Omnibus Law (Vol 2): the Introduction of Risk-based Business Licensing Concept
On 5 October 2020, the House of Representative passed the Job Creation Law (known as “Omnibus Law”). The Omnibus Law is expected to enhance the ease of investment in Indonesia through some amendments on various laws.
We have briefly discussed in our ARMA Update Volume 1 concerning risk-based business licensing and the Omnibus Law in general, as well as its impact towards the business climate in Indonesia. In this ARMA Update Volume 2, we will discuss regarding a new concept in business licensing for business actors, by implementing risk-based business licensing. In short, the risk-based Business Licensing means that any business licensing issued to businessmen will be classified based on the level of risk of the business activity.
ARMA Law provides this update regarding this topic both in English (here) and Bahasa Indonesia (here).
In the meantime, our team has been continuously monitoring the Omnibus Law and its implementing regulations. Until the date of the publication of this ARMA Update, the Omnibus Law has not come into effect, as the President of Indonesia has not yet signed the law. Thus, the entire analysis herein is based on the publicly available final draft.
Omnibus Law (Vol 2):
Konsep Baru Perizinan Berusaha Berbasis Risiko
Pada 5 Oktober 2020, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat telah mengesahkan Undang Undang Cipta Kerja (atau yang dikenal dengan “Omnibus Law”). Dengan adanya Omnibus Law diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan berinvestasi di Indonesia melalui perubahan berbagai macam undang-undang.
Pada ARMA Update Volume 1 sebelumnya kami sudah memberikan gambaran singkat tentang perizinan berusaha berbasis risiko dan Omnibus Law secara umum serta dampaknya bagi bisnis di Indonesia. Pada Volume 2 kali ini, kami akan membahas mengenai suatu konsep baru dalam perizinan usaha terhadap pelaku usaha, dengan menerapkan perizinan berusaha berbasis risiko. Singkatnya, perizinan berusaha berbasis risiko ini menjadikan setiap perizinan berusaha yang diberikan kepada pelaku usaha akan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tingkat risiko kegiatan usaha.
ARMA menyediakan update terkait bahasan ini dalam bahasa Inggris (di sini) dan bahasa Indonesia (di sini).
Saat ini tim kami di ARMA Law terus memantau perkembangan Omnibus Law dan peraturan pelaksananya. Hingga tanggal penerbitan ARMA Update ini, Omnibus Law belum berlaku secara sah dikarenakan belum ditandatangani oleh Presiden Indonesia. Sehingga, seluruh analisis ini didasarkan pada naskah Omnibus Law yang tersedia dalam berbagai sumber.
This client update is the property of ARMA Law and intended for providing general information and should not be treated as legal advice, nor shall it be relied upon by any party for any circumstance. ARMA Law has no intention to provide a specific legal advice with regard to this client update.
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