Unlocking Indonesia’s CCS Potential: A Legal Guide to MEMR Reg 16/2024
MEMR Reg 16/2024 provides a more detailed legal framework for CCS activities, particularly within Carbon Storage Permit Areas
Diving into Carbon Pricing in Indonesia’s Marine Sector
Excerpt: MOMAF Reg 1/2025 introduces a forward-thinking strategy for achieving environmental and economic sustainability in Indonesia’s marine sector
Indonesia to Launch Its First International Carbon Market
The Indonesia Carbon Exchange or known as IDX Carbon, is the first official carbon exchange in Indonesia.
Mutual Recognition Arrangement on the Joint Crediting Mechanism and GHG Emission Reduction Certification between Japan and Indonesia
This ARMA update will discuss the recently signed a Mutual Recognition Arrangement for bilateral carbon trading between Indonesia and Japan.
Aligning Indonesia’s Carbon Market Regulations with COP29 Outcomes and Article 6 Compliance
This ARMA update will try to summarize both areas and the implications for Indonesia’s carbon market
Understanding Indonesia’s New Waste Management Policy for Hazardous Materials
This ARMA Update talks about GR27/2020, concerning Specific Waste Management.
The New Presidential Administration: Navigating Indonesia’s Leadership Shift and Prospect for National Progress
In this ARMA Update, we outline the new administration’s strategic priorities and key initiatives aimed at addressing the country’s critical challenges and long-term aspirations.

ESG and Impact Investing
Dive into the ESG & Impact Investing with the insights of ARMA Law Partner, Rudi Bachtiar, and Associates: Danang Dwinanto, Salsabila Hana Safira, and Via Wirawan.

Exploring Plastic Credits: Developing a Strategy and Legal Framework for Sustainable Waste Management in Indonesia
This ARMA updates delves into the current legal framework of plastic credit and management in Indonesia, explores the opportunities plastic credits present, and examines the inherent risks and necessary safeguards to ensure they contribute effectively to global sustainability efforts.