The New Presidential Administration: Navigating Indonesia’s Leadership Shift and Prospect for National Progress
In this ARMA Update, we outline the new administration’s strategic priorities and key initiatives aimed at addressing the country’s critical challenges and long-term aspirations.

President Regulation No. 96 of 2024: Transforming Energy Crisis Management Through Energy Buffer Reserves
This ARMA update will discuss the Presidential Regulation Number 96 of 2024 (“Reg 96/2024”), enacted on 2 September 2024, introduces key provisions on Energy Buffer Reserves (Cadangan Penyangga Energi or “CPE”).

Understanding the Impact of Government Regulation No. 25/2024 on Mineral and Coal Mining
This ARMA update will discuss Government Regulation No. 25 of 2024 as the government's commitment to refining and enhancing the operational landscape for the mining sector

A Legal Overview on Land and Investment Task Force under Presidential Regulation Number 70 of 2023
In this Client Update, we will provide a regulatory overview of the Task Force's role and structure, as well as the available legal recourse against the Task Force's decisions concerning license/concession holders in the mining, forestry, and plantation sectors.

Determination Of 2023 Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) And Exemption Of Duty On The Transfer Of Motor Vehicle Ownership (BBNKB) And PKB For Electric Vehicles (EV)
This ARMA Update will discuss the calculation of PKB, especially on the special policy of PKB for EV, apart from the determined PKB contained in the appendix of MoHA Reg 6/2023.

Electric Vehicles Regulations in Indonesia
This ARMA Update will discuss the general provisions regulated in various regulations from multiple sectors such as the energy, industry, and transportation sectors regarding the development and usage of EVs in Indonesia.

Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Provision
In this Presidential Regulation, certain key points to reach those goals are regulated such as the restriction of operational period for steam power plants, limitation of new steam power plants construction, obligation to use local components in order to implement Electric Supply Business Plan by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara ("PLN"), pricing of electricity based on a renewable source, electricity procurement, and many other provisions.

Delegation of the Granting of Business Licensing in the Mineral and Coal Mining Sector
In order to develop the policies and harmonization of authority between the central government and regional governments in the mineral and coal mining sector, the President of the Republic of Indonesia issued Presidential Regulation No. 55 of 2022 regarding the Delegation of the Granting of Business Licensing in the Mineral and Coal Mining Sector…
![[PP NO 96 Tahun 2021] The Government Regulation on the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Business Activities](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/64a6365fa2b9de11308b1dbb/1688711210416-HO0WBKXM75BTWGEAZ1KK/Arma-Selected-Logo.jpg)
[PP NO 96 Tahun 2021] The Government Regulation on the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Business Activities
Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara (“Ditjen Minerba”) Kementerian Energi Sumber Daya Mineral Indonesia (“ESDM”), mengeluarkan kebijakan yang melarang perusahaan pertambangan mengekspor batubara. Larangan ini tertuang dalam Surat Ditjen Minerba No. B-1605/MB.05/DJB.B/2021 tentang Pemenuhan Energi Batubara Untuk Umum tanggal 31 Desember 2021 (“Surat Ditjen Minerba 1605/2021”).