Electric Vehicles Regulations in Indonesia


In the spirit of the global environmentally friendly development, Indonesia has made efforts to push the local manufacturing and usage of Electric Vehicles (“EVs”) as well as its supporting infrastructure. To repress emission production and reaching the energy mix target, the Indonesian government has issued several laws and regulations from government and presidential regulations to ministerial regulations which serve as the legal basis and support for the growing EVs industry.

This ARMA Update will discuss the general provisions regulated in various regulations from multiple sectors such as the energy, industry, and transportation sectors regarding the development and usage of EVs in Indonesia.

Please see our Update regarding this regulation in English (here).

Peraturan Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik di Indonesia

Dalam semangat pembangunan global yang ramah lingkungan, Indonesia telah berupaya mendorong produksi dan penggunaan Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik (“KBL”) lokal serta infrastruktur pendukungnya. Untuk menekan produksi emisi dan mencapai target bauran energi, pemerintah Indonesia telah menerbitkan beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan mulai dari peraturan pemerintah dan presiden hingga peraturan menteri yang menjadi landasan hukum dan dukungan bagi industri KBL yang terus berkembang.

Update ARMA kali ini akan membahas ketentuan umum yang diatur dalam berbagai regulasi dari berbagai sektor seperti sektor energi, industri, dan transportasi terkait pengembangan dan penggunaan KBL di Indonesia.

Mohon untuk melihat Update kami atas peraturan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris (di sini).

This client update is the property of ARMA Law and intended for providing general information and should not be treated as legal advice, nor shall it be relied upon by any party for any circumstance. ARMA Law has no intention to provide a specific legal advice with regard to this client update.



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