ESG and Climate Change Update: Sustainable Investment Guideline


In light with the developing efforts towards reaching net zero emission, the Ministry of Investment/Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board launched the Sustainable Investment Guideline during the G20 event in Bali which was held in November 2022. This guideline is intended to be a reference for business actors, investors, and policymakers regarding sustainable investment which has been growing significantly over the last decade.

This ARMA Update will cover the concept of sustainable investment as well as the indicators of sustainable investment that may be developed by business actors and prioritized by investors under the Sustainable Investment Guideline.

Please see our Update regarding this regulation in English (here).

ESG dan Climate Change Update: Panduan Investasi Lestari

Sejalan dengan pengembangan upaya menuju net zero emission, Kementerian Investasi/Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal meluncurkan Panduan Investasi Lestari pada acara G20 di Bali yang diselenggarakan pada November 2022. Panduan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjadi acuan bagi pelaku usaha, investor, dan pemerintah mengenai investasi berkelanjutan yang telah berkembang secara signifikan selama satu dekade terakhir.

ARMA Update ini akan membahas mengenai konsep investasi lestari serta indikator investasi berkelanjutan yang dapat dikembangkan oleh pelaku usaha dan diprioritaskan oleh investor berdasarkan Panduan Investasi Lestari tersebut.

Mohon untuk melihat Update kami atas peraturan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris (di sini).

This client update is the property of ARMA Law and intended for providing general information and should not be treated as legal advice, nor shall it be relied upon by any party for any circumstance. ARMA Law has no intention to provide a specific legal advice with regard to this client update.



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