The Development of the Indonesian Carbon Market after Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021: What’s Next?
Previously, we have highlighted the key points of PR 98/2021 in this ARMA Update. However, further technical provisions for the actual practice of carbon trading and result-based payment have yet to be addressed in the implementing regulation. This ARMA Update will address the aspects that need to be regulated in the Minister of Environment and Forestry implementing regulation.
Environmental Dispute through Civil Settlement
This ARMA update will discuss the basics of filing environmental dispute lawsuits that can be carried out by individuals, groups or use the class action mechanism.
Legal Framework of Green Building in Indonesia
This ARMA update will discuss the legal framework of Green Building, including the criteria, rating system, and certification used in assessing a building that meets the environmentally friendly principles in various regulations in Indonesia.
[Surat Edaran ATR BPN No. 4 Tahun 2022] Policy on Land Use in Protected Areas
This ARMA update will discuss the essential matters of ATR/BPN CL 4/202, including the scope of protected areas that can be given land rights, the restrictions, as well as the implications of the issuance of this circular letter to the protected areas.
[PERPRES 98 Tahun 2021] – Presidential Regulation on Carbon Emission Economic Value
The President of Indonesia has issued Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 (Perpres 98 Tahun 2021) regarding the Implementation of Carbon Economic Value for Achieving Nationally Determined Contribution Targets and Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in National Development (“PR 98/2021”) on 29 October 2021. PR 98/2021 was signed by President Joko Widodo before he left for Glasgow to attend the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26).
Permen LHK 4 Tahun 2021 – Environmental Update: the Criteria and List of Businesses and Activities That Are Mandatory to Have AMDAL, UKL-UPL, and SPPL
Accordingly, the Minister of Environment and Forestry (“MOEF”) issued a MOEF Regulation No. 4 of 2021 on The List of Business and/or Activities Required to Have Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Management Efforts, and Environmental Monitoring Effort or Statement of Environmental Management and Monitoring Ability.