Danang Dwinanto

Danang has a solid foundation in corporate law; mergers and acquisitions; banking and finance; commercial dispute; bankruptcy and restricting; employment; and forestry, environment, and sustainability.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Indonesia, he garnered his legal acumen through internships at respected law firms in Jakarta.

Danang has showcased his expertise across diverse legal realms, playing a pivotal role in the successful acquisition of a prominent Indonesian company responsible for one of the country’s most renowned music festivals. He also actively contributed to the acquisition of over 800 music master recordings from a major Hong Kong-based music industry firm.

Leveraging his extensive legal expertise, Danang also played a pivotal role in assisting the ARMA Law team in providing legal counsel to a Singaporean company, advising on frameworks and conducting due diligence for various carbon offset and nature-based solution projects in Indonesia. His adeptness across diverse legal contexts underscores his versatile skill set.

His resourcefulness and ability to navigate complex legal landscapes instill confidence in clients seeking effective solutions.



Aurelia Suci


Ninda Maghfira