ESG and Climate Change Update: Carbon Trading for the Power Plant Subsector
ESG & Climate Change ARMA Admin ESG & Climate Change ARMA Admin

ESG and Climate Change Update: Carbon Trading for the Power Plant Subsector

This ARMA Update will cover the crucial aspects stipulated in MEMR Reg 16/2022, including the determination of emission upper limits in the subsector and for business actors, carbon trading in the subsector which includes emission trading and GHG emission offsets, the planning and reporting obligations, as well as the MEMR’s web-based application, APPLE-Gatrik.

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Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Provision

Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for Electricity Provision

In this Presidential Regulation, certain key points to reach those goals are regulated such as the restriction of operational period for steam power plants, limitation of new steam power plants construction, obligation to use local components in order to implement Electric Supply Business Plan by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara ("PLN"), pricing of electricity based on a renewable source, electricity procurement, and many other provisions.

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